Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Spreading the word

Today, I started sending out email to friends and family about GK and why I am running this marathon. My plan is to also send actual letters to a few others, to ask them to support me and GK as I train for and run the Raleigh marathon in November. I guess I should have done this earlier- my running mates have all started. I may be the last to start my partnership drive.

I suspect there are a few reasons why it took me a while. First, I wanted to be sure I can get to the start line healthy, injury-free, AND with more than a good chance of finishing. As I have intimated in some of my posts, I run more with pain than pain-free, and the balance between training and suffering is something I am still learning. (Or is training= suffering? Hah!) Second, it is not easy for me to ask friends, old classmates, college "brothers and sisters", neighbors, and colleagues, for funds. Almost all of us probably are inundated with requests for support for this or that cause. I am shy about these things, but GK is more than a worthy cause, it may be one of the few bright spots for the Philippines. Lastly, I think I waited to see if I can really reach the finish line. After my 16 mile long run last weekend, I am more confident now that I can do 26.2, by hook or by crook, and if I have to crawl the last few miles, I will do it.

I just hope and pray I can get as many partners for GK, and that all this training will lead to at least one house for a poor family in the Philippines. I know what to do for the training part, but the fund-raising part, I have no previous experience. As always, it is "do your best".

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