Monday, September 3, 2007

Feeling good

Saturday, I ran with Efren from the GK Hero's Run Team. He was scheduled to do 8 miles; I planned on 14. So we went to Umstead, and did the Graylyn to Reedy Creek to S. Turkey Creek and back. We ran for exactly 2 hours, so I figured we did at least 8 miles. Then I continued and ran for another 1.5 hours, to Sycamore Trail, then Graylyn and part of Reedy Creek and back.

A few running notes- at a slower pace (maybe 14 min-mile), my HR never really went above 140-150, with an average of maybe 120. I went faster up a few hills, just to see if my HR would go up, and it did rise to 162. I felt really fresh the entire 8 miles, just relaxed. The Fuel Belt was great- it never bothered me, and the 8 oz x 4 (32 oz) was more than enough for 8 miles, until I had to refuel at the car. My solo run after Efren left was a little faster, I think. My HR was a little higher, above 155 most of the time. My average for the entire 3.5 hours was 137. So I think I definitely ran for more than 14 miles.

I felt I could have stayed longer and run another hour or so, but I didn't push it. There was some pain in the left knee (ITB), and I would run ahead of Efren and try to stretch it out. I consumed 1 hammer gel and 1 powerbar gel. I think I like the former more than the latter - the powerbar gel had caffeine which raised my HR quickly. But in general, it was a nice long run. I was walking, not limping afterwards. I really think the new run form was working. I am more certain now that I can finish 26.2 miles. I can do more than half, so all I have to do is do it again!

I plan to start sending GK pledge letters this week. I have talked to several of my prospective sponsors and they're expecting it. I hope this goes as well as the training.

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