Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A new equilibrium

Just finished 4.2 miles of straight running. There was no pain, just pure running joy. My legs just kept going. I was aware of my form, and could shift my footstrike to more forefoot or midfoot. This must be what it should be. My heart rate was a little high, or my monitor was kooky, because the treadmill reading was very different from my wrist monitor reading. For example, the treadmill readout would be 150 beats/min, and my wrist monitor would say 165. I'm almost sure that 165 was too high. Anyway, I ran at 5.5 mph the whole way, and my average HR according to my wrist monitor was 151.

So what is it now, 3 straight runs of no pain? Beginning last week, and including the 12 miles of hills, my legs seem to have found a new, higher, stronger equilibrium. This must be what the training is all about! I have also incorporated weights; I use the machines for my calves after each gym run. It seems to have made a difference, so I'll just keep on doing it.

On the GK pledge/support effort, I have sent several letters out to friends and have received several oral pledges. So things are really going great- the running is getting there, and hopefully I can meet my target pledge amount!

The big target is 20 miles this weekend. I feel that even though I did only 12 miles last weekend, it was all hills, and may be equivalent to 16 to 18 miles of flat trail. We'll see...

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