Saturday, October 20, 2007

Running updates- 23 miles!

I'm way behind on posts- it's just been one hectic week after another. So to play catch-up, here's the quick rundown...

Week of Oct. 8, I got in 2 runs of 3 miles and 3.5 miles respectively, straight runs on the treadmill at 5.3 mph. Ave. heart rate was 155-160 bpm.

Then, on Oct. 13, the GK Hero's Run team went to the American Tobacco Trail. Efren, Victoria, and Eddie V. ran 13 miles, then Jeff and I ran 23 miles, then Jeff put in another 2 miles. The ATT was quite flat and beautiful. This was an old railroad line that was converted to trail fro hikers, bikers, and horseback riders. I will try to describe the 23 mile run in more detail in a separate post.

Then, this week (week of Oct. 15), I was in San Diego, CA for a conference, and couldn't put in any runs. The trip was also tiring, and I didn't get enough slep. So here it is, Oct. 20, and I am planning to do 10 miles on the treadmill. It's not all bad, though- lots of good news to share!

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