Sunday, October 7, 2007

"That's commitment!" and the broken arm

Some weeks are just crazy. The past week, I couldn't find time to run. After last Sunday's 20-miler, I was hoping to do two 4-milers during the week. But between classes, making exams, meeting research sponsors, and sumitting a research proposal, I didn't have the time or energy to go for a run.

So I hoped the long run planned for Saturday was going to be ok. Jeff and I did 7 miles at Umstead, at an easy pace. We did it in 1 hour 30 min, at almost 13 min/mile. Everything went well, except for the increase in my steady-state heart rate. My HR probably aeraged 165, a little too high for that pace. So I did lose some cardiovascular fitness, and I have to make sure I do my short runs this week to prepare for next weekend's 24-miler. Hopefully, it won't be as hectic as last week.

The title of this post has to do with the comments of runners meeting us on the trail. Jeff still has the cast on his arm on, and people would say- "Did you break your arm? That's commitment!" or "That's dedication!". I told Jeff he should milk it some more and show it to people to convince them to support his run for GK :). It does seem like Jeff will have a small cast until the marathon. In the meantime, I am the guy running with the really dedicated runner - maybe I should get a fake cast too :-). then we'd be the runners with the broken arms :-)

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